CSR – Call for Papers
CSR provides funding for research in social science in the form of fellowship, as well as networking with academics all over the world.
The Centre for Study & Research (CSR) invites papers on the given themes from Indian research scholars.

The Centre for Study and Research (CSR) invites papers on the given themes from Indian research scholars. Major areas of work include policy studies, Islamic literature in the face of changing situations; ideas for solving the problems of humanity and the country; responding to criticism of Islam; assessment of cultural, political, social, ideological, ethical, life-style related trends and their critical review; and study of Indian society, philosophies, practical issues, modern trends etc.
The major themes (indicative not exhaustive, and can be changed according to researcher’s own area of study and interest) are given below.
- Islamically Integrated psychotherapeutic Intervention models for the Indian audience
- Study of Psychological Capital in Indian Muslim Youths
- Islamic perspectives on disruptive technologies – vis-à-vis artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality
- Islamic Perspective on Reproductive Technologies – vis-à-vis CRISPR, cyborgs, trans-humanism, gene therapy for reproductive enhancement, designer babies
- Positive and Negative Portrayal of Islam in the Emerging English Fiction – such as drama, novel, short stories, satire, etc.
- Positive and Negative Portrayal of Islam and Muslims in Web series of the Last Decade
- Gender Debates and Religion – vis-à-vis Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism
- LGBTQ Indian Perspectives, Pre- and Post-verdict
- Secularism, Multiculturalism, Constitutionalism and Islamic thought
- An Appraisal of the political inclusiveness in the Indian Democratic model
- The Contribution of Islam to India with Respect to Social Life
- A Historical Analysis of Difference Between Pre- and Post-Islamic Eras of Indian History
- Value Education: Different perspectives – vis-à-vis Policy, Religious, Philosophical, Sociological, Psychological
- Analysis of Standardized Evaluation in the Indian Education System and the World
Important Dates
Abstract Due: 30 June 2022
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 31 July 2022
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31 August 2022

Basic Formatting of the Paper
- Word limit is 5000-7000 words
- All articles must contain an abstract of 250-300 words and up to 6 keywords. (Times New Roman, 11 pt, justified.)
- All manuscripts must be in MS Word format — double spaced with one inch (2.5 cm) margin, Times New Roman, 12 pt. (Please submit 2 separate files in both MS Word and PDF)
- Quotations, citations, notes and references, tables and figures should be prepared in accordance with MLA 8th edition or APA style.
- Language: English, Hindi and Urdu